MAY 2012 

Shipping pallet re-purpose!!

I got the idea for what's called a 
'shipping pallet re-purpose' from a friends blog...

... thegreenbungalow.blogspot.com

 ...and I HAD to do it ! I just love distressed
naturally worn down wood... broke out the hand sander and got started...

I found my shipping pallet in the back of my boyfriends coffee shop

I think he thought I was nuts when I saw it sitting
out for garbage and I proceeded to excitedly throw
the thing in the back of my jeep....

A hand held sander and very course paper did the trick to remove 
frayed pieces of wood and smooth down the serface 
and it took on a nice grayish tone...

 My walls are pretty thin so I needed to use anchors to hold it up...
it is a really heavy piece, so keep in mind...

luckily Matthew stepped in ... I'm some what accident prone and I definitely didn't have to proper tools, you will need a power drill...

I absolutely LOVE this !!!  As you see, I put decorative hooks on it, along with some nick knacks... this passed weekend I hung my guest's coats on the hooks and it worked out
beautifully !! 

xoxo Debra Jean

MARCH 2012

I've been living in this tiny studio in Lambertville for about 8 months now.  My goal was to make the most out of the small space I have, and as for decor, I'm going for the anthropologie look...($$$$)... without the price-tag   

I'll begin by showing you some of the unique touches I've found at various flea markets maily this one , and antique shops...

LEt me know what you think!

XOXO Debra JEan

cANDle BirDCage

Found this birdcage for pretty cheap at a flea market 
 hung it over my bed with 
some candles in it...
 Definitely a cozy feel, 
 gives a great touch to my bedroom décor

Marshall's HOmegoods finds

These are also hanging in my bedroom, 
loved the distressed quality of the frames  
 This mirror has a heavy 
copper-turned-green frame 
with ornate detail...

...has a feminine quality while still maintaining that
rough and distressed look as well

I love to experiment with

All three of the items I found on the same day, at the same flea market..

...pillow $1
lamp was $10
chair &25
New projects... PRICELESS!

Of course the lamp was white with some sort of stain on the shade
 and the beads had fallen off in certain places..



I absolutely LOVE this pillow.. it's texture, rich burnt orange color and ornate flower detail works for spring summer and fall...

...of course this saves on redecorating 
when the seasons turn!

Inexpensive wall adornments are key...





Free print
$2 frame


BUILT INS! great apartment feature 

When first looked at my apartment (which didn’t take long since it’s all of 400 square feet) 
I fell in love with these built in cabinets. 
Not only are they a storage MIRACLE
 but they are quant like L'ville is...

The lanterns that are hanging from the ceiling have small tea light candles in them.   
They really give off a nice romantic glow when I have a dinner party.   
It’s tough to take a small room studio 
and make it into a bedroom, living room, and dining room, 
so it’s good to have a few tricks up your sleeve.   

Dim the lights, light the candles around the room, and...

 BAM romantic dining room!

XOXO Debra JEan

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